Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Cryptotrader. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Cryptotrader. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 11 de marzo de 2025

Cryptotrader, NL, Bitcoin, trade

Cryptotrader .online is automated Bitcoin Trader Service.

Cryptotrader, online, NL, Bitcoin, Trader, trade, trading, funds, algorithm, Bitstamp, Kraken, safer, exchanges, API key, Bitcoin price, buy, sell, profit, exchange account, outperforming gold, stock market, yield

The funds of our customers are stored on reliable exchanges like Kraken or Bitstamp. We do NOT have access to the funds of our customers (this is unique) and much safer!
Via an API key we can trade on behalf of our customers. We analyse the Bitcoin price every 5 minutes and use optimised algorithm to determine when to buy or sell Bitcoin.
All profit stays in their own exchange account.

Our system is already running for 6 years and we have very satisfied customers. Our system is outperforming gold, the stock market and even Bitcoin itself in a bear market. See link below to see historical yield. Last years yield was 44.5%!

To pay for our services customers have to buy credits (minimum $25,-) like a pre-paid model.